Proposal Categories
Eligibility Funds will only be granted to projects where discussion of the project with the BCHPA has taken place prior to incurred costs. This is to prevent bad feeling on all sides and help the BCHPA transparently allocate funds based on project merit, pilots serviced and regional development goals. Clubs and Local Pilot Groups (where there is no formal club) can apply for financial support for improvement to a flying site to which that Club or pilot group have legal access. Legal access must be by permission of the legal owner of the property or public tenure from a government agency. The flying site in question must also be under the sole management and responsibility of the local club applying for funds. BCHPA does not own, nor is it involved in local site management, which is the jurisdiction of local clubs and pilots. The local Club sites for which site improvement funding is sought, must be open to all BC HG and PG pilots who are current members of HPAC (recreational pilots, instructors, student pilots and recreational and commercial tandem pilots). Disbursement Of Funds In order to maximize member funds, the BCHPA will cost share up to a 50-50 basis with a local club or pilot group to complete a project. Exceptions can be made where the pilot base is very small, or if the significance of that site to the larger BC pilot community can be demonstrated. Exceptions can also be made if the project is of major significance to large numbers of pilots or if a project is partnered with other organizations. Approved funds become available immediately upon completion of the project and with presentation of receipts to the Secretary/Treasurer of the BCHPA. Projects cannot be funded retroactively because cost-effectiveness screening prior to the project work cannot take place after the fact. Proposal Components
Proposal Submissions Proposals can be submitted anytime during the year to the Regional BCHPA Representative for initial vetting. The Representative submits the proposal to the entire BCHPA Board for decision. Decisions are made on a quick turn-around basis, if all required information has been provided. |